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  • Writer's picturetannagx

October 2021

This month I've been uploading images to and enjoyed an art opening at The New Zone Gallery. Early this October I received an email from, an artwork services company out of Boston, suggesting that I submit art to their gallery. TurningArt curates, prints, and hangs art for corporate buildings, healthcare organizations, and private collections. They also provide art rental with six-month rotations from an impressive line-up of artists through their private online gallery. With the variety of content and prolific nature of my digital art, I’m excited by this new endeavor.

On the first Friday of October 2021, the New Zone Gallery opened Zone4All presenting a multimedia exhibition including three topographic images by tannagx. Baseball Abstracted, Blue Flower Topography, and Blue Mask are hanging to the right of the front desk. This annual New Zone exhibition features live music, fermented beverages, and a delightful display of local art.

This month’s art music video displays abstract Rudbeckia, autumn leaves, and ends with a moody image contemplating the beauty of staying inside when it rains. Digital art by tannagx and music by Trio Leo.

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